The Making of a Shirt Part 2

Jun 22, 2019

Originally Posted on July 2, 2016



Although I love Casual Tux, his flowers are rather simplistic and not Hawaiian. After looking at many Hawaiian shirts I settled on the Hibiscus flower. It was the most common, and looked like I could draw it if I just went one step at a time. I also determined that I needed three different flowers for variety. My final criteria was that it had to be in svg (vector) format. This allows me to scale them to whatever size I need. …

The Making of a Shirt Part 1

Jun 22, 2019

Originally Posted on June 24, 2016

I’ve decided it’s time to document my latest hobby. Making my ultimate shirt.

Casual Tux and Penguins

Many people might think this is my ultimate shirt. After all, it’s got Casual Tux on it, it’s purple, and to be honest, it looks awesome. But it is only my phase one shirt. My brother, who ran Kokopelli Shirts, made this for me. His friend created the design, my brother bought the fabric, his seamstress sewed the shirt. Vola’, an awesome shirt.

Shirt and Tie Even looks …

Open Source Shirts 1

Jun 22, 2019

Three years ago, I blogged about my quest to make the ultimate shirt. I blogged up to actually making the shirt, and then I stopped writing. It’s not that I didn’t actually make the shirt, or stop working on my quest for the ultimate shirt, it was my perfectionism.

I looked at the shirt and I saw the imperfections. I wanted to fix them before I posted, show how I fixed them. And then life happened and I didn’t have time or desire to post. Nothing bad …

Linuxfest NorthWest 2019

May 24, 2019

Troy goes to LinuxFest NorthWest 2019

Troy at fedora booth

I went to LinuxFest NorthWest this year. This is a conference that I’ve heard about for many years, but never been able to go to. Mainly because I used to live in Illinois, a long way from Bellingham, Washington. But, now I live in Washington, and even though it’s six hours away, that’s not too bad. I also signed up to help Jeff Fitzmaurice with the Fedora booth. Jeff is a Fedora ambassador for the Seattle / …


May 24, 2019

Hello, and welcome to my site. I might put blogs up here, tech tips, tales about travel, whatever.